DOURO is also Art and Culture!
11 December 2019
Nicolau Nasoni's influence on the I LOVE DOURO route
For those who appreciate art and culture, when he speaks of Nicolau Nasoni, everyone envisions an imposing and majestic Clerigos Tower, a symbolic work of the city and perhaps best known in Italy for Portuguese lands. But there is more! Follow us on your striking influence over Douro lands.
Start by visiting Vila Nova de Gaia or the Corpus Christi Convent and enjoy the Parish Church of Santa Marinha, where the Italian sculptor and painter interfered with the remodeling and reconstruction works.
Be sure to visit the Freixo Palace. A work that Nasoni made a request of man who, in good time, or invited to come to Portugal D. Jerome of Tavora and Noronha.
Follow the Douro above and stop at Vila Real, enter the facade of Casa Mateus Palace and the green spaces involved. For another day in Douro lands, be sure to visit the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Remedies in Lamego, which in itself is worth a visit, but Nicolau Nasoni is a fountain author on the imperial staircase.
We dare not suggest just one, all and many more, to evaluate a visit, this Italian who is responsible for the strong presence of the shack style in the north of the country.
Lodging and Dining Suggestions
Porto / Vila Nova de Gaia
Harbor View Picnic at Cockburn's
Lunch / Dinner at Vinum Restaurant
Relax, Sunset and Stay at The Yeatman Hotel
Other local accommodation options - https://www.ilovedouro.pt/en/category/accommodation/16
Ruler / Lamego Weight
Lunch / Dinner Table Aneto
Visit and have lunch at Quinta da Pacheca
Original Douro Hotel
Six Senses Douro Valley
Venture into our suggestions, enjoy and share the journal at all times and be sure to send as recommended.
Long live the Douro, D'Ouro.
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