Sandra Monteiro

Sandra Monteiro

Sandra Monteiro, Therapist and Yoga Teacher.

Its mission is to inspire you to practice yoga, to choose a more balanced lifestyle, more connected to your essence, attuned to Nature and more aligned with love.

Since an early age, Health has been part of Sandra's life, both in the conventional, holistic and spiritual areas.

After studying and working in APCT (Pathological Anatomy, Cytology and Thanatology) and completing several holistic courses, he became a therapist.

She is a certified Yoga instructor and instructor. She is also certified in Yoga for pregnant women, Yoga Kids and Baby by Sunshine Yoga and certified in SUP Yoga by ASUPP - Stand Up Paddleboarding Association of Portugal.

It was in India that he “stumbled” on Yoga and studied AYURVEDA more intensely. It was on this journey through Indian lands that he started a magical path to achieve a healthy and happy life.

She is also an eternal lover of colorful and healthy, vegetarian and vegan cuisine, sharing her great passion with everyone.

He recently gave a lot of courses on "Ayurveda Initiation" and "Ayurveda in the kitchen", and launched the e-book "Ayurveda: A life of balance", where his main mission is to inspire a conscious lifestyle and train all readers to find balance and become the healthiest version of themselves. She was also the teacher of several events from North to South of the country, namely SUP Yoga in Sesimbra and Gerês, Oysho's yoga retreat at Quinta da Comporta, Surf & Yoga retreat in Ericeira, Road to Wanderlust with Tetley in Braga, between others.

Yoga Ambassador of “Oysho” | Ayurveda Ambassador of “Spa Ceylon Portugal” | Ambassador “InEquilibrium”

Founder and Director of the yoga and therapy studio Casa ARUNA - Yoga Shala in Vizela, where she transmits all her knowledge to students of all ages.

In addition to Vizela, he also teaches in Santo Tirso at BreakGym, in Castelo de Paiva at Douro41 Hotel & Spa and in Porto in partnership with Oysho.

